Victoria JohnsonJul 5, 20201 min readEphesians 4: 2-3 NCV - Being HumbleUpdated: Jul 6, 2020Always be humble, gentle, and patient, accepting each other in love. You are joined together with peace through the Spirt, so make every effort to continue together in this way.
Always be humble, gentle, and patient, accepting each other in love. You are joined together with peace through the Spirt, so make every effort to continue together in this way.
PSALM 23 Line by Line meaning:The LORD is my shepherd = RELATIONSHIP I shall not be in want = SUPPLY He makes me lie down in green pastures = REST He leads me beside...
Praying God's Promises Lord,I thank you that in my times of need, you will fight for me. (Exodus 14:14) Thank you that your mercies are new each morning...
Everything happens for a reasonYou may not see it now, but sooner or later, God will reveal why He let things happen. Always remember that His way is better than our...